Saturday, November 28, 2009


I have been really impressed by Malcolm Turnbull in the last few days. The man demonstrated that he had... Well not integrity, that term probably can't be used for an Australian politician, but whatever the downgraded equivalent would be.

The behaviour of Minchin, Andrews and the rest of the climate sceptics is downright disgusting. At this time noone can afford to delay actions that combat the climate change. Leave those policies for a few years and the nature would have taken such a turn for the worse - that it would be too late to reverse it. But those guys do not care. So what if the temperature goes up? I mean, some species might die out, natural disasters (well not so "natural" anymore) will increase, their children will struggle to find clean air and water... I mean, who cares, right? A long as Liberal Party's corporate bosses are happy - that's all that matters. That means that come next election certain MPs will get some funds from the big donors and all will be just swell...

A person I am least impressed with in this whole thing is Tony Abbott. Yes, sure we all knew he is a right wing nut. But in that he seemed to be a man of convictions. A man who has certain beliefs and will stand up for them no matter what. Yet on this issue he swayed this way and the other - one day he needs ETS trading, the next he doesn't, one day he is Turnbull's best buddy, next day he wants to see him go. Pathetic.

It makes me wonder - do these people actually want to see a Liberal Party win a federal election? Maybe, not next time, but the time after? Or ever? People are not likely to vote for a party whose members spend most of the time bashing each other, party that openly demonstrates that it stands for nothing, party where members think it is OK to openly attack its leader over his policies that HAVE BEEN APPROVED by a party meeting, party where people think a solution to all of life's problems might be to install Joe Hockey as a leader, a nice guy with seemingly no opinions or policies of his own and most importantly attempt some kind of ridiculous coups or revolts in order to bully their leader and other party members into submission.

The results are already visible - Nationals gained points, Labour gained points. Perhaps Greens and Dems can score some seats out of this mess at the next election also.

Maybe that's for the better. While Malcolm demonstrated that he is worthy to be a PM, showed bravery, intestinal fortitutude and strong convictions uncanny for an Australian federal politician - other Liberals certainly do not deserve to be anywhere near the Government.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

After days of sun and thirty five degrees heat we have a huge rain fall. What a radical change!
I woke up this morning and was not sure what exactly was going on. So loud! Took me a while to realise that there is strong wind and massive rain outside attacking my poor window.
It was so dark. The room was grey as if it was still night time even though the clock clearly indicated 9 am.
And when I stumbled out of bed I saw a roof leaking in the kitchen a bit. So weird. All looked surreal. Wind smashing the trees outside. Puddles filling up. Felt like the nature said: "All right that's about enough of this warm sunny weather stuff. Let me show how it's done!"

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

hot days

On such brain meltingly hot days you start to wonder why the floor does not just turn into sand and the walls start growing with palm trees. Wouldn't it be nice to sit under a palm and drink a cocktail from a coconut? Yes, yes it would.
Or if a bath would just magically turn into an ocean... And it would be possible to go for a nice relaxing swim... Not hot water, but not cold either... Just right.
And of course since we are inside there is no risk of sunburn, skin damage or skin cancer. No need for sunscreen. No white streaks on the forehead. Excellent.