Tuesday, December 22, 2009

You would assume I would be used to mass media and how strange it is. Yet I am not. Listening to radio today I was amazed at what ease news jockeys can exaggerate things. I heard about Ted Bailieu's "attack" on a Liberal power broker and thought "Oh my, what mean nasty thing did Ted say?" And then a bit later they actually played that vicious attack. It went something like: "He is entitled to his own opinion. I do not agree with his opinion." Wow, how biting. The recipient of such stern comments was probably incredibly scared and offended. He probably had to get trauma counselling. Seriously if that is an attack, then what is a civilised disagreement? Is Bailieu meant to hug and French kiss his opponents before expressing his viewpoints? Or is he meant to agree with absolutely everything anyone else says? Just to make sure any disagreement will not be interpreted as an attack by our intellectual and mature media.
I wonder if there are any journalists or news presenters left in Australia who would just like to educate the country about what really happens or if all of them are just happy to use shock tactics to get the average pundit to consume their crap.

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